April 22, 2013

Mint Dresser

This dresser has been handed down in my family for awhile now.

This is how it's been since my sister was little and it was in her room.
When I was a baby it was yellow.
Before that it was just plain old wooden and belonged to my dad and his brother.
My dad said he had one side and his brother got the other

I've need a dresser for awhile now and when I came around this little buddy just chillin' all by it's lonesome in the basement, I decided to bring it back to life.

I didn't really know what color I wanted. I just knew I wanted something light and refreshing. 
I finally decided on a mint color.
Here's the finished dresser

Sorry about the blaring sun. That's what I get for taking an iphone pic.
I used Behr's Tropical Dream and dry brushed Pastel Jade over it. 
It turned out just like I hoped it would!
I got the knobs at Hobby Lobby for 50% off....score!
They are all blinged out, which I love since I'm all about the sparkle.

It's been a great little dresser and keeps on impressing!