November 27, 2011

Rice Bag Scarflett

Hailey has super bad TMJ.....if that's even what we should call it. It started out that way and eventually she found out she had some bone loss around her Temporomandibular area, which causes her A LOT of pain and is a huge pain in her side....or side of her jaw, head and neck area.

So winter is upon us, and her and winter are not the best of friends. She has to wear a scarf and hat whenever she goes outside. She holds her hands up to her cheeks like the kid in Home Alone and runs from the outside to the inside.

Pretty sure that's how she looks too!! 

Think about it.....what do you do when you go outside and it's cold???
Tense up right? She puts tension on her jaw, then one thing leads to the next and she has got the world's worst I came up with a solution.

Hailey: I hate winter and don't want it to come.
Me: Me either.
Hailey: At least you don't have a jaw problem and get headaches all winter.
Me: True. I wish there was a way you could heat up your scarf to keep your jaw warm. You could wrap those little hand warmers in your scarf and it will be nice and toasty warm! 
Wait! That gives me an idea. Why don't I make you a rice heat bag scarf!!!!

The idea was born and came to pass

She LOVES the Yankees, so we picked some fabric up at Joanns

You'll need:
fabric 26x12 (mine is fleece)
rice ( I used a little more than 1/2 of a 32 oz. bag)
thread to match
button of your choice (I got mine at Hobby Lobby)

I folded the fabric in half---hot dog way:)
 with right sides together, then sewed up the edge.

I also sewed an end together while I was at it.

Turn your fabric right side out

This is where you want to decide how many sections of rice you want.

I sewed a line down the middle of the tube length wise to make the sections smaller

I then sectioned that fabric into 4 inch sections making 6 total sections

I filled the tube up with rice, then sewed a line and kept repeating.

Here you can see the first 3 sections

I did 5 sections with rice. The last section I didn't put rice in because I needed to make the button hole.

I tucked the end in and sewed together

I tried the whole button hole with the sewing machine thing and it DID NOT work for me.

That will be a later project.

I basically marked the spot I needed the hole and cut

I was a little worried about the ends continuing to rip to I sewed little fastening stitches to help

On the other end (with the rice), I marked the place and sewed the button on

Good-bye pain in the jaw
Hello winter!

Hailey's Headboard

Hailey decided to repaint Brad's old headboard. 
 It was tan and dark blue and from his room when he was little. 

So much better!

Blue, yellow and gray!

The stencil is the same one I used for my self-redo.

Here it is set up in her apartment.
Sorry, she moved right after, so this is the best pic we got

You get the idea right?!

It was fun while it lasted :)

More Shirt Fun

These are two shirts that I made recently.

The first shirt idea has been around for awhile. 

I went to Forever 21 and found the shirt for 3 or 4 dollars. 

Then I went to Hob Lob and found this lace

Got it on clearance.....ya baby!

This was actually my very first sewing project with my new sewing machine! 
Very easy project, seeing as how I had to only sew 2 straight lines...ha! 
I think it turned out great. It's now one of my favorite shirts!

The second shirt idea came from Katy at Sweet Verbena.
She did a reverse applique shirt tutorial. You can find that HERE.
Her's are way cuter, but I thought I would try out the technique first before I got all fancy.

I got on the Silhouette store and found these little leaves. 

I went for the gray and yellow theme, just because I love it right now.

This was probably my second or third sewing project. 

It was way easier than I though it would be.

I got the shirt from Target for $7 and already had the yellow fabric.
I hand stitched the lines for the leaves. 
Super cute and fun!

November 8, 2011

How Great Thou Art

I LOVE this song! Carrie sang it beautifully....gave me the chills!


Birthday Suprise

This is awesome! What a fun way to make someone's day special. This bus driver from Copenhagen was surprised on his birthday by passengers and others. 

I love how happy he was! I''m sure it made his whole week!

I've always wanted to do a flash mob! Now I want to do a flash singing mob! It would be some seriously awesome fun!

Go out and make someone's day!