March 6, 2012

Make-Up Case

I finally decided to buy some Bare Minerals make-up. I have been hearing about it for so long. When my skin decided to throw a temper tantrum on me, I decided it was time.

I was so excited about all my nice, new brushes and the cute little cases. 
I needed somewhere safe and sound to keep my new treasures. 

Here's what I came up with

I am a beginning seamstress.
Seriously, I don't even know if I am allowed to use that word.

So, this is a very basic project.


thread to match
velcro- I bought pre-cut velcro squares from Hobby Lobby


I didn't take pictures when I made the case.
It was on a whim one day, and I didn't know if it would work out.
I will just show you the process with a similar piece of fabric- kapeesh!


I started with a 22x18 piece of fabric
it came in a package of fabric and ended up being perfect

Fold in half hot dog style with right sides together
I know this picture shows the opposite, but you get the idea
 Sew up the long sides and bottom

 Turn right side out
Fold the bottom up until you have the size of pocket you want
Mine was a little less than half way

Before you sew the top edges together, sew a piece of velcro at the top.
I didn't do this, so on the front of my case you can see a small square. It's not very noticeable, but it's still there. See.....

Not so cute. All you professionals would know to not make this mistake.
I'm learning and impatient:)


Now time for the elastic.
I placed my brushes where I wanted them to sit and measured around them.
I placed pins where I wanted to sew. 

I again had already sewed the top edges, so you can see stitching on the front. However, I'm glad for this little mistake because it added a cool bunching effect to the front, that frankly I like.
You can make whatever decision you would like.

Now sew up the top edge.

Onto the bottom half.
Sew a piece of velcro on the bottom part of the pocket.
I also added a decorative stitch to the top edge.

Last I made some fabric rosettes to spice it up at bit

There you have it!


  1. You just made my day with this! Love it...and I need to make it asap! haha. :)

    I am your newest follower and I would love for you to follow me back so that we can share more ideas.

    Looking forward to more posts,

    1. Thanks Sarah! I want to reach through my computer right now and hug you! Thanks for being my first real follower! (The other follower is my mom...ha!) It's scary to start something new. I'm glad to have you. I'm going to go follow you right now:)
