April 11, 2011

My Prince Charming

This has got to be one of my most favorite presents I've ever been given. I wrote my cute friend Lori (Sister London right now) and told her that I didn't trust myself with dating decisions anymore. I told her that she was to be in charge of my dating life from now on. She always finds the funniest/cutest/most thoughtful little presents and this one was no different. Behold... The Magic Frog to Prince.......


This is seriously awesome! I love the "just add water" part...ha! I wish it were really that easy. So here's the magical story:
    "Once upon a time in a land far, far away a beautiful princess named McCall was sick and tired of all the retards in tin foil coming to her castle and desperately wanted a knight in shining armor to come and rescue her and sweep her off her feet to a happily ever after....yeah I know, you are all saying, "yeah right like that ever happens"... but just go with it. One day her fairy godmother presents her with a magical gift. She tells Princess McCall to take this magical frog and just add water and if she waits patiently her Prince will appear.  Princess McCall is so excited to finally get the chance to meet her prince charming. See....

She thanks her fairy godmother and goes off on her merry way. (insert a song about meeting a Prince)
She goes to a magical fountain and pours water onto the frog and the magic begins....

Right before her eyes, the frog disappeared in bubbly green water. The transformation had begun! She could hardly contain her excitement. When the bubbling finally died down, she took a deep breath...she was about to finally meet the person her heart had been dreaming of..... She cleared out the water and there he was in all his handsome glory....

Isn't he the most handsome miniature prince you have ever seen! Almost has hot as Flynn Rider! Which is what is name is p.s. Well, Prince Flynn needed some time to grow, so he spent the next 72 hours growing 2-3 times his size. Princess McCall and Prince Flynn took one look at each other and knew it was love at first sight. They will be getting married after Prince William and Kate's big day is out of the way of course. They plan on living happily ever after!

    The End!

This is where Prince Flynn hangs out. I thought this was so fitting. I'm still waitin' on my prince and he's waitin' on me. Hopefully one of these days we'll meet before the clocks strikes midnight and my magical powers disappear! I hope you enjoyed my fairytale!

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